Native Tribes - Central America
Native Tribes - Mexico



Click Country for Native American Tribes living there

This is an index to the Native American language and cultural information pertaining to Central American tribes. Some pages contain more information than others. If you belong to an indigenous tribe of Central America that is not currently listed on this page and you would like to see it here, please contact us about contributing information.

Acatec      Achi      Aguacateco      Bogota      Boruca      Bribri Indian     Buglere     Cabecar      Cakchiquel      Changuena      Chicomuceltec      Cholti      Chorotega

Chorti      Chuj      Corobici      Cueva      Cuna      Dorasque      Embera      Garifuna

Guaymi     Huetar      Itzaj Maya      Ixil      Jacalteco      Kanjobal      Kekchi      Maleku

Mam      Mangue      Mayangna     Miskito      Mopan      Pech      Pipil      Poqomam

Poqomchi      Quiche Maya      Rama      Sacapulteco      Sipacapense      Subtiaba

Tacaneco      Tectiteco      Teribe      Tzutujil      Ulwa      Uspanteco

Voto      Waunana      Yucatec Maya

Central American Native History and Cultural Society :

* Central America & Caribbean : Native Peoples - Indigenous C. American artwork. 

* Central American & Northern Andean - Encyclopedia of Central American tribes. 
* Native American Nations in Central America - Surviving  Tribes of Central American.

Native Tribes & Languages of Mexico 

This is an index to the Native American language and cultural information pertaining to Mexican tribes. Some pages contain more information than others. If you belong to an indigenous tribe of Mexico that is not currently listed on this page and would like to see it here, please contact us about contributing information to our site.

The Original Native Inhabitants of Mexico include :

Acatec      Amuzgo      Chatino      Chiapaneca      Chichimeca      Chicomuceltec     Chinanteco      Chocho      Ch'ol      Chuj      Cochimi Cocopa      Cora      Cuicateco

Guarijio      Huasteco      Huave      Huichol      Ixcateco      Jacalteco      Kickapoo

Kiliwa      Kumiai Lacandon      Mam      Matlatzinca      Mazahua      Mazatec      Mixe

Mixtec      Mocho      Nahuatl / Mexica      Oaxaca Chontal      Opata      Otomi Indian

Paipai      Pame      Pima Bajo      Popoloca      Popoluca      Purepecha      Seri tribe

Tabasco Chontal      Tacaneco      Tarahumara      Tectiteco      Tepehua      Tepehuan

Tlahuica      Tlapanec      Tojolabal      Toltec      Totonac      Trique tribe     Tubar

Tzeltal      Tzotzil      Yaqui      Yucatec Maya      Zapotec      Zoque

Mexico Native American history and cultural society :

* Ethnologue Report for Mexico - Demographic Native languages of Mexico.
* Indigenous Languages of Mexico - Dictionary files for Mexican Native languages.
* Bible in Mexican Languages - Biblical Translations into Native languages of Mexico.
* Indigenous Peoples of Mexico - Article on Mexican Indian history.
* The Myths of Mexico and Peru - Online collection of Native Mexican legends.
* Native Nations in Mexico - Overview of the largest groups of Mexican Indians.

Native Tribes of North America

Native Tribes of South America

Mayan Empire  




*   Angel  Hill  Estate   *