


*   Angel  Hill  Estate   *



" Keekee "

            a novel movie script in process

in the mist of today in reflection of tomorrow i feel i should tell the story of my time in honor to all i have existed for in my time... yes this story is not about me yet about the memory of my time in telling the story of keekee thru the memoirs of her diary that she left behind as a sacred script of life. i wonder where i should begin as in need of a happy ending filled with joy for all, as that is all keekee lived from.. yes she was a foolish playful girl who loved everyone and everything and never understood why.. had she been born in any other time and not have grown up in the new age society of the 60's and 70's she would have been locked up in an insane assylium for spontaneous joy and happiness as singing in inspiration of any time or topics that the future would only understand .. she would walk into any room and all attention would focus on her beauty, a room full of war and hatred would be filled with joy and laugher .. a crowded bus in calcutta filled with somber sad depressed souls would hear a voice singing in the shadow where no radio existed and in inspiration of some ancient spirit all would start singing some foolish joyful song that no one ever knew or would remember the words too, as a wealthy memoir beyond all the kingdoms treasures ... yes this is the story of keekee my soul mate thru the evolution of all time as i know it  ... from the beginning forever and ever keekee is alwas with me ...

i do not want to begin or end this story with the tears from heaven above that fill the oceans of our earth with emotions of her time ...therefore i shall tell you that keekee died a few years back in a fatal formula car crash in france as she crossed the finish line winning all her class with a broken rear axel from the sharp turns in pursuit of being a winner and in great knowledge of this hobby skill she drove the car beyond its cornering capibilities and the rear axil pinion seem to melt in the last 5th lap which eventually broke off the rear right wheel in the last turn .. as claude her pit commander said "she knew and he knew it and he called her in as the car must have be shaken like hell the last 5 laps and runnning on air with an empty tank as her steady controled nerves kept it in control like some miracle up to the final moments of her life". as we know about it in the final turn at beyond track speed record ahead by 2 lengths of her rival it all fell apart, but she still succeeded in all the chaos to control the wreakage to cross the finish line being the first woman in history to win the formula trophy. the legend of keekee thruout europe and america is far beyond this ending thou ... therefore i shall tell you the story from the memoirs of my memory and her diary she kept everyday that was locked in what i alwas called her sacred pandora box ... i cannot blame anyone except myself, as in the glory of great wealth that our family had acquired from our peasant past, had we stayed at home as poor common souls in our old home town her body would be warm and cuddled next to mine now ... you see we spent what seemed to be everyday together since i returned from the war as we worked the family business together our success brought us to europe and the greatest wealth and success of our time .. keekee was a true business woman as i a business man .. the true virtue of peace is good business and success for all ... this is what she lived for ... i never understood why her hobby of race car driving as it was the topic of our last conversation together ... you see something in nature had changed our perfect timing together that day as we had an office estate in france guiding the family business of the granite quarries in northern portugal and thuout europe as the marble of michangelo along with import and exportation of  the circle of life, the good foods of planet earth as olive oil and the nectar of fruit and golden grains  ...

keekee and i did everything together and what wonderful adventures and memorys we had traveling thruout europe, the mideast and orient in the search of the good foods of god and humanity ... well as the story goes keekee while we where home based in france took up a hobby of formula race car driving and like some beautiful joan of arch was victorius winning fame all thruout europe with her playful hobby .. i would try to be at every race as her being with me at every important business meeting was all we wanted .. yet this day was differant .. the race day was changed due to rain and inclement weather and we had a very important business meeting with many international shipping family members and mr ventre of the famous railway cargo piggy back shipping system. mr ventre lived in our home town of weymouth, massachusetts and my parents where early investors in this railway shipping system invention. the meeting was  in portugal for the future of our europeon business and they resheduled the race the same day .. well we fought for the first time since we where together and like some jealous rage it all came out .. she thought i was having an affair with my secretary oolah, as she saw her in some french tradition hugging me and giving me a peck on the check after i helped her grandfather get back to his childhood home in germany for emergency health treatment .. this very beautiful french girl oolah, a close friend of our loving daughter little keekee who was dating her younger cousin todd .. well word was going around i was spending to much time with our secretary oolah, as my loving wife keekee pursued her race car driving hobby .. i tried to be devout to this hobby of her's yet my busy schedule could not afford the time as the family business was our priority ... she wanted me at the race that day saying she could not do it without me .. i wanted her to give up this sport and spent all her time with me and the family business again .. and oh yes i was jeolous of these fancy wine drinking race car drivers and little did i know utill after her death in getting to know them that i loved them too, as all they had done was inhanced keekee's love for me ... well i wanted keekee to go to portugal and keekee wanted me to go to clermont ferrand, the most dangerous track in europe with its winding curves twisting around the remains of an extinct volcano .. little did i know in the rage to get my own way it was for the national title, the greatest honor a women driver in the world could gain ... well that evening she at first would not sleep with me then as i lay on the couch thinking only of her ... i entered her sacred room as she weeped in quiet ... she whispered sweet words "i never want to argue with you, i never have, whats wrong with me whats wrong with me moogie" i lay next to her and cuddled her as we where one ... our loved poured inside of each other .. in the morning she woke in sober tone and would not speak to me .. we both dressed to go on our separate ways and as we parted for the last time as i had kissed her everyday of our life together and then i told her i loved her more than life itself ... we hugged for what seemed to be hours and as our embrace broke she looked me in the eyes, her beautiful golden eyes with the glimmer of green stars and wet tears from heaven above that can capture any soul .. then from nowhere she slapped me on the left check as i felt nothing except her passionate love ... without words and only flashback memories we stood for an endless time just looking at each other .. we had never fought in all the years together but only one time i recall in vivid memory she slapped me on the right cheek as a young boy in the first grade after i walked her home from school and asked her on our first date .. i never understood fully why and now i seemed to understand everything about girls ....

my mind and soul was lost for some reason and alls i remember was flying to portugal before the sun rose in november of 1996 and going to this very important business meeting that meant nothing now except a way to bring us closer together again .... well i broke off from the morning meeting around noon to catch a flight to make the race in time. mr ventre was surprised because after i had made all these very important european  introductions, i had turned the meeting over to him in trust to finalize all business agreements. mr ventre and i therefore talked in a very emotional way before i departed and he fully understood my feelings telling me that i knew the most important things in life and said to me as i was quickly moving out the door 'go get her, she's all yours'. he was then going to try to meet me latter that evening at clermont ferrand, france for dinner, as his wife and daughter had gone to keekee's race instead of this meeting with him. mr ventre's daughter was one of keekee's best friends growing up and they had not seen each other in years.  i tried to make the flight but it was delayed so i sought a private flight that was scheduled yet would get me to the race too late so i tried to rent a car and drive to another airport 70 miles away and when i got there i felt i could not make the race .. so i called keekee and all i got was an answering machine with her beautiful enchanting voice .. i called the private pilot from the other airport and he flew to where i was as a special favor but it was over, i would get there to late for the end of the race .... it wasn't till weeks latter after keekee's memorial as i went thru our things in process of liquidating our estate in france and moving to our quiet peasant retreat in the hills of west virginia in need of nothing except our memories together ... i uncovered a text message she sent me just before the race ... it told me everything ... "i was the only man on this earth who ever kissed her and she would never allow any other man to ever kiss her, she would die first .. her love for me was more sacred than her life and she alwas felt from the moment we meet on that autumn morning walking to school in the 1st grade that she was never good enough for me, as she felt no woman she knew was .. and if i needed and wanted these young beautiful woman she would understand, she just doesn't want to loose me and the reason for this hobby is she had to be a winner with god then she would never never loose me .. "please understand moogie, for love is only a word that cannot even begin to explain how i feel about you" .. your woman forever and ever, keekee"

i suppose i shall start out where keekee and i first meet and fell in love. i was born and raised on an old apple farm in weymouth mass in a simple country town along the southern coast of new england. it was the early autumn of 1958, the first day of school in the 1st grade as i walked to school that morning playing foolish with my brother and sisters making fun of me as the new boy going to school,  i saw a cute innocent foolish pretty girl walking all alone and she seemed to keep looking at me .. i being braver than most approached her with grace telling her this was my first day of school and i was all excited ... she was all alone as it seemed all the other kids where with their parents and me with brother and sisters ... i asked her name as she carried what looked to be some science book of plants and animals ... she spoke the 1st words i heard and said in a playful funny tone her name was keekee and i just fell apart inside never being the same from that moment, turning all red not knowing what to say next, then i said my name was moogie ,, then my sister rowie came running up pushing me singing "moogie got a girlfriend moogie got a girlfriend, maybe he is going to school to learn about girls" ... i started running around trying to chase rowie away then came back to keekee feeling stronger as she laughed and said your foolish .. i asked her if i could carry her books as buck my dog started barking ... she laughed and said i would have to get to know her better before that as if these books where the only friends she had ... we walked to school in foolish chatter as any word was fun ... once inside the school we got lost in the crowd ... strange as it was at nash school the next time i saw her was in the 1st grade class as we where assigned the same class under miss bowker ... i immediate went and sat next to her, thou i knew many of the boys in the class .. then miss bowker went to assign seats and assigned me to sit in another location by the alphabet, which is the name of the first song keekee and i sang together ... i was filled with saddnees yet in strength of rebellion i would not move ... when she persisted i told her i want to sit next to keekee ... then she tried to move keekee and keekee wouldn't move ... well to make a long story short i finally got sent to the principle office .. first day of school i looked like a trouble maker as miss bowker was very strict ... scared and frightened my father would find out i talked to mr mc corcal the principle and negotiated a deal with him telling him a fairy tale that keekee had no one and was scared and i promised i would look after her ... he agreed he would not tell my parents but it was up to miss bowker where we sat ... when i got back to the room all the kids where cheering as keekee was up front singing the alphabet she stopped and said moogie its ok miss bowker said we can sit beside each other, we all can choose where to sit provided there is no trouble ... i looked at her with trembled lips yet filled with joy and quietly said thank you miss bowker and sat down as keekee lead the class singing the alphabet song as i felt like some stupid young barritone from mitch miller who didn't know one word of it but sang it all over and over again .. it was a long beautiful day as you wonder what goes on in the 1st grade ... the year seemed to be the most beautiful of my life as i woke every morning excited to go to school and see my loving friends ... i even got to carry keekee's books home a few times as it seemed most of the times i spent playing sports games with my boyfriends and getting closer and closer to keekee, i sat next to her all year singing playful songs passing friendly cheerful notes and learned more in 1 year than i have learned my whole life ..

i could write a whole novel about the 1st grade as it became the playful foundation of our relationship, for example i recall on the weeks before valentines day i seemed to shop in every store in town with my chore allowance, looking for one valentines day card that explained to keekee how i was feeling about her .. i found a foolish childish cartoon like card of young playful children growing up and then an old man telling his wife you made my life worth living, thank you happy valentines day .. i was with my mother, tony, nanc and rowie at the time and the card was too expensive therefore i asked my mother if I could borrow the money from my quarter a week allowance i saved and i needed 55 cents. rowie and then tony mentioned the card was for adults only as I mentioned to my mom it was for a surprise which now i feel my mom thought the money was for a gift for her .. she said that the surprise sounds a little expensive and she would like me to think about it before I spend so much money as my mom loved to bargain and shop at rummage sales as she had grown up very poor in the great depression .. I finally did borrow the money from my dad but he said he was going to charge me interest as this would be a good lesson for me in proper business... years latter my dad borrowed money from me from my paper route and lawn business when he invested in mr ventre's piggy back freight service which is a story in its own of my interest in return that was negotiated as party to his interest in any business ventures .. anyway i got the valentines day card and got all dressed up, combed hair and excited to give it to keekee and then low in behold she gives me her card first as she was dressed in a pretty pink dress with white sweater with bow .. wow i was shocked as the card she gave me was a home made valentines day crayon and pastel painting card and on the front said 'i like you more than valentines day' .. when I got it I nearly fell down and turned around hiding  i sat down feeling very emotional for the first time, because boys aren't suppose to cry and have to be strong and i was feeling something i never felt before about a girl and friendship.. she put a lot of work and feelings into something just for me and no one i ever knew had done that for me .. i got some control of my feelings and got the nerve enough to give her my card which seemed super stupid now and said kinda hiding i got her another one but it wasn't ready yet and this one would do for now .. she started acting a little aggressive and jokingly playful asking me what or why i was hiding as i was feeling emotional embarrassed .. years latter I found out that's how girls act when they are trying to sneak up and hug or kiss you when a boy is feeling emotional about something ..

well it was friday and i kept the card close to me all weekend working on making keekee a home made card like the one special one she gave me .. the card i made was foolish , stupid and childish because i was good with comic and crayon books but wasn't a good drawer or water color painter like the one she made for me .. anyway i finally got the card done the best i thought i could do and when i look at  it now it looks more like an old indian toy cave painting than anything else with pictures and symbols i seemed to understand at the time but i am still trying to figure out more about them as time fads into new memories .. i gave keekee the card on monday and now she was acting like she was embarrassed now hiding as i said ohhh i forgot to give her this card on friday because it wasn't ready .. keekee said in a sweet quiet whisper 'thank you i'll save it for next year' ..

strange too because years latter after i returned from the war and we remarried with family full church ceremony, we went on our honeymoon to cape cod being poor at the time, we exchanged playful gifts and keekee gave me a large wrapped package which turned out to be a large painting she did of the valentines day card i made for her in the first grade that she had painted when i was away in the war, saying the painting brought her great comfort when i was away .. it was the most foolish childish painting i have ever seen and keekee was a great artist doing the best she could with it in every detail the same as the valentines day card .. from that point on keekee would hang it over the mantel in every home we lived in from our first home after marriage in the poorest most run down home in town next to my parents and the old apple and pear orchard, the old squirrel house considered by anyone who knew it to be the oldest dwelling in america, like a very old indian lean to shelter build up together with planks and beams from an old ship it became at one time the fun club house for the boys sleep outs and girls pajama parties with the same squirrel family from early america still living in the attic to this day ..

well the painting she did much to my everyday embarrassment, as our devout friends thru out every home we lived in along with now famous celebrities visiting as example our european french estate, would alwas ask her all about the painting and then saying things like those are very old native symbols and drawings asking her if there where any other like it she knew of that they could purchase for their estates .. i do recall keekee laughing with me once at a party for our anniversary giggling saying a french museum curator offered her 10 million for the painting and she asked me if i thought she should sell it and i just said take the money honey and then she replied not till you sell that painting for $10. that i alwas hung with pride in every bedroom in every home we lived in .. the painting of the valentines day card she gave me in the first grade that i painted for her as a gift on our first anniversary living in our new fixed up squirrel house.. i was in and out of work at the time, along with going to school as we where just getting by poor with little keekee on the way and i painted with any paint i could find the valentines card she made for me in the first grade as a special surprise gift... she alwas seemed to act a little shy, evasive, embarrassed and very playful and childish around the painting ..  the painting was a secret surprise for our first anniversary like the painting she gave me a year before on our honeymoon when i said 'i had no idea marriage would hold so many wonderful embarrassing surprises, this must be the reason men go to war to protect paintings like these, thank you sunshine i adore you, you couldn't have given me a better memory even if i had tried to do better myself' .. strange she alwas felt my painting never went with anything in the bedroom as i would design every bedroom we had around it and i never felt her living room painting went with anything in the living room as she would design with great pride and strength every living room of every home we lived in around the first grade valentines card i made for her.

well anyway back to the first grade,  it was close to the end of the year, as summer was going to begin and report cards where just coming out .. i walked keekee home and carried her many books, she was so much smarter than everyone else, so far ahead of the class with all a's and long conversations with miss bowker, as mr mc corcal would alwas be talking to me about just about everything dealing with the other students, like halloween and the scary ghost someone left at the front door of the school... well i finally got up the nerve to ask keekee out that day in late spring walking her home from school .. we seemed to be scared to be alone so i told her that a few of my friends like tony mal. timmy. charle, eddie. billy, tommy, richie, johnny and me where going to the old quarry swimming hole on saturday and if she could get her girlfriends together we could meet at the path at 10 o'clock ... all the girls where drawn and attracted to keekee, she had so many girlfiends from school now ... anyway we reached her home conner, as if she didn't want her mother or father seeing me together with her, she said this is far enough and then said "yes i'll be there".. and then out of no where she slapped me, a slap i never forgot in some understanding of our life together ... i looked at her in surprise what seemed to be hours with sad eyes i said "what did i do" ... she said "you didn't do anything wrong, just be there" and we both started laughing .. keekee filled my life with joy from that very moment on and we never fought once or argued in 38 yrs together, except one other time when we fought in some jealous insanity, she slapped my other cheek the last time i saw her alive before the big race ...

i got the gang together in the barn club house and we rode our bikes to the quarry trail after our paper routes where collected .. like some perfect timing she rode up with her girlfriends on bikes .. 5 of them and 5 of us .. some older just like my bother tony who had a thing for barb .. my main focus was on keekee from that moment on and no one else seem to exist we hide our bikes along the dangerous trail to the quarry ... it was all so dangerous looking back then it was the worst fear to conquer as no fear in my life seem to match that time .. as the villians barry and nicki could be there, as latter barry from his military service grew up to be a weymouth police officer looking after all the children .. legend was they threw the young kids off the big cliff to the rocks below and then their bikes into the quarry water if they caught them there, because it was so dangerous after little johnny drowned there years and years ago ... little did i know then that many years latter i would go there as a lost soul to be with my very best friend keekee again, as the spirit of her higher self guided me to where we kissed for the first time and i gave her my lucky golden coin for one kiss that would last forever, when i asked her to go steady in the 6th grade .. that lucky gold coin was the only thing on her possesion when they pulled her from the crashed wreck and as she passed away into the spiritual world of her higher self, her left hand grasping the golden coin and her right hand was locked in our secret indian sign "everything is all right i love you" ... our native tribal incarnation sign ...

oolah our secretary was there at the race as her greatest fan and told me latter in her sensual french accent with weeping tears "she worships keekee, she has done more for the woman of europe than any other woman she has ever known" ... oolah had gone to the race early that day with many of her girlfriends and had a private pit pass from the office .. as she told me many years latter after the whole tramatic ordeal. that morning she felt something was wrong and had to talk to keekee as they looked to be the best of friends doing what most girls dream to do together ... when oolah got to the pit keekee was sincere and strong of composure ... but now more important than the race was oolah to keekee .. with a strong sense of emotion in the air the crew held back oolah saying "we have no time for this now" ... then keekee stood forward strong and said in an enchanting voice "please please let her thru" .. they talked not in words but emotions hugging and imbrace ... the last words keekee said to oolah where "i got to do this oolah and i would love for you to be with me and now i am all alone, you have alwas taken care of everything for me when i was away" ... oolah was quietly crying and said "i love you keekee be strong for me"  then all that was heard over the roar of the engines was keekee in a french native american sensual soft whisper "j'aime, vous s'il vous plaitdites-luisi je neretourne pasa' partirde ce jour" (i love you, please tell him if i do not return from this day) ... all i spoke with of that day seemed not to know clearly what keekee whispered in her sensual french american indian accent, except for oolah who made it all clear to me years latter as she said "keekee's last words are part of her now forever" 

oolah then wandered to the grand stands in a quiet peaceful pace listened to the music of keekee's race car driving to the track lineup ...  there oolah bonded with all her girlfriends as she told me, there seemed to more people than she has ever seen at any event  and there looked to be more woman at the race than men that day ... the race had begun slow with keekee in a 10th start position drifting to the middle of the pack with much aggression from all to gain the lead ... and then upon around the middle of the race like thunder and lightening of a hurricane all the woman in hill stands seemed to stand at attention screaming and hollering like children in a playground they cheered keekee on as she moved by one after another of her rivals, all the men seemed astonded and where chatting she can never keep up that pace in this race, but she did till the final ten laps where she now was in 5th place and oolah had not sat down for a moment screaming in french grabing and shaking the cage barriors as keekee's greatest fan inspiring the crowd as if all where on the track with keekee. some say keekee's final five laps where her ending as she now challenged the lead and off and on she was the victor driving far beyond what a formula car can do with the spirit of the roar of the crowd now all standing in the insanity of the moment ... oolah told me that in the last two laps she felt something was wrong and her screams turned to panic as she raced and fought thru a wild out of control mob crowd with spirit alone to the gate of the track finish line, now keekee midway in her final lap took the lead by what seemed inches back and forth to the final turn where then her lead became four lengths before it all came apart and the winning ending we all know .. oolah didn't even see the ending as clear as others as she struggled thru the crowd to be with keekee. she finally stole her way breaking thru the gate onto the track finish line to the sound of sirens and out of control cheers and hushing amazment she ran on the track with race cars roaring in and with no fear only spirit she ran thru all to keekee's wreckage screaming louder than the crowd with all attention on her and keekee now. she does not know if keekee was still alive when she got there, but she felt she was and she saw her smiling as all tried to stop oolah as many crews came to keekee's car in panic confusion.. she remembers clearly a light surrounded the vehicle like an aura of the most beautiful light she has ever seen or felt ... the last oolah remembers as they held her back from trying to embrace keekee in the car was an old indian sign keekee had taught her. many doctors and officials wondered if she was still alive when she passed the finish line, yet with some miracle of strength she spoke her last words with her right hand in our secret native incarnation sign  "everything is all right i love you" ... oolah lost everything of mind at that moment and the doctors said she suffered a severe emotional trauma taking three years for her to recover and be clear of what actually had occured that day with many attempts to unite with keekee in the spiritual world. the race track camera's told most of the story as many that where there that day ... strange and sad as it be when i got there it was all over and i did not see the worst of it but felt worst than all as i mourned with no life left i struggled to breathe thru my tears seeking to see her one more time .. when all was calm there she lay with a smile of joy and light all around her i warmly touching our sacred sign of her right hand and with overwhelming emotions i grasped and struggled and held her gracious smooth left hand firmly grasped and in knowing she was still alive, for a moment her hand opened in mine in giving me our sacred golden coin and me now with vision dream of many many years ago at the hawks nest before we jumped to the water below i heard her sweet tender enchanting voice from a greater world as the deepest dream i ever know of our first date in the first grade at the quarries she whispered in my ear as in bed " i am not scared of anything with you and i can't even swim good, can i close my eyes till its all over" and then some sense of joy seemed to fill my soul telling me to be strong ...   

you see in the 1st grade together as our first date we seemed crazy wild to everyone as if we would do anything together like everyone our age was scared to jump from the big quarry cliff to the water below, and some of the kids could not even swim ... funny thou we all didn't want to take off our clothes which was our greatest fear ... and with no other thought filled with joy and laughter keekee and i climbed the cliff to the hawks nest overlooking the water which seemed like miles below then ... and fully dressed we became the first one's our age to jump into the water from the hawks nest .. I will never forget what she said to me that day before we jumped .. she said " i am not scared of anything with you and i can't even swim good, can i close my eyes till its all over" she looked me in the eyes and by some powerful nature we just held hands and jumped, we hit the water like thunder and sank what seemed to evolutionary miles. all this time holding hands as we paddled to the surface we broke thru the water with screaming joy of accomplishment, looking into each others eyes we hugged each other like babys and paddled like wild ducks in water making our way to the shore rocks, to the cheers of everyone including barry who caught us by surprise and said "don't ever ever do that again" .... years latter keekkee would win more medals than anyone else in the history of the state in swimming and was selected as one of the choosen one's in the state for the usa olympic team, which she declined along with going to college when her father got ill she stayed home working helping her family... 

keekee and i walked the old indian trails of the quarry for years and years after that and talked about just about everything. i should say there was not one year in our life since we meet that we did not walk the indian trail .. .. so much to talk about ... every word was sacred .. in foolish play we would walk and talk about anything  and when we wheren't doing that we just talked to a ant or a rabbit, squirrel, chipmunk, bluejay or chicadee.... keekee loved talking to the animals and would talk to just about everyone she saw .. latter on in our life we learned the language of the plants and the wisdom in their conversation .... i suppose as soon as we got together the rest of the world saw us as crazy ... but i never felt so alive secure and sane in my life than with keekee .. like two animals in the forest with our pet squirrel frisky we seemed to play everyday together since meeting at the quarry path or what is called the old indian trail ..

well keekee told me something then that meant more and more to me everyday.. she said i can't say i am sorry for slapping you that day but she said since the moment she meet me she felt something special, something spiritual about me and she did not know why she slapped me and alls she knows is she did and thats what she thinks girls are all about and someday maybe we will both understand it .. she sayed very firmly like a seven year old that she felt she did not want me to stand her up and she wanted me to be on time with her forever from that moment .. she felt she was not all herself yet and someday she will be ... her mother was alwas very sad her whole life alwas fighting and never getting along with her father and keekee felt she never loved him as she did .... her mother and her where very very close and she told keekee in a childhood story that on her first date she was going to her senior prom as her parents where very strict and she could not date until high school graduation ... and this boy who she attended church together with and went to school stood her up for the senior prom and never even bothered to explan why until years latter after she had married  keekee' s father,  keekee's mother found out that this boys father was stricter than her parents and he would not let his boy go to a dance as he felt dancing was against gods will .. i wonder now if that is why keekee and me danced together what seemed to be everyday latter years along the trail keekee said if we are going to start this then we are going finish this as winners and she could not except anything else except being winners together and that slap she gave me years ago seemed to her now just about as bad as it can get and it will never get that bad again ... and it never did till the end .. little did i know thou she being younger than i was preparing me to carry on her good work when she slapped me one more time on the other cheek the last day i saw her alive ....

years and years went by with many changes of the seasons after her passing. i suppose only her diary tells the day by day story as it was sacred to her to record every day in her book wheather it be one word to sum it up or five pages, the book was her story and was never read by anyone else till years and years after her death when i found enough strength and spirit discovering the key to what i called her sacred pandora box on my 50 birthday see i had a nerves breakdown after her death and i spent about a year in an institution till my loving daughter little keekee and little moogie set me free ... after her death i locked myself up at our private retreat we loved in west virginia and for years and years with her spirit about me just seemed to stare at this pandora box not even knowing why ... i searched for the key many times rumaging thru all our things as days turned into years .. then on my 50 birthday like a miracle i opened all the windows and doors as fresh air of her spirit filled the room. i was directed to the box where i saw a notch like a secret chinese jig saw puzzle that she loved to play, here i found a secret compartment that just opened up and revelied the key that opened the box with all of her years and years of diaries in it .. there in the box on top was a sealed envelope addressed to me ... what i read was she was far beyond me and knew what the future held .. thou she always called me the boss .. i was older then her yet this letter seem to put us both in the same time where she was and we always wanted to be, the words of this letter where so deeply intimate and beautiful that only i could understand the devout spiritual clarity living within each word .... i read every word of her diary without sleep food drink as months passed by .. her work was done here on earth much she has done in so little time the world will now know the wealth and beauty she left forever and ever .. the charities, the corporations, the new age science, the founding of the new societies, free loving societies of peace and harmony of mankind, from green peace and peta, to rainbow gatherings, to the peace treatys of oslo, to a woman and a black man running for president of the united states of america.. all in the darkness of her diary .. i suppose some memories with me in tears of her diary writing like one of her closest european friends princess diana, who never seemed the same after keekee's passing and as destiny finds its way looked to say goodbye in a similar manner... many of the tabloid seemed to blame their closest and bond with sister teresa for the breakup of charles and diana ... well i know the truth now keekee brought love closer together as her diary tells the true story that the world never knew. the story of the devout love that charles truly had for diana and diana's deep devotion and emotions of the love of charles the way he is beyond what he or anyone knew of a romantic fairytale come true. telling the true story of a common everyday man and woman having no more than others wealth, yet far less like privacy to enjoy their freedom of what others owned of them. and then this unknown poor girl keekee from nowhere who with her wisdom and loving exhilarating emotions put every corporation in the world together for peace and prosperity for the free new age of this world ...

i suppose that should be a high light chapter on how she did it, as everyone from our graduating class in 1970 in massachusetts went off to college. keekee a straight a honor role student stayed home to care for all her loved ones and as she told me then, "just to be with me everyday is all she needs" ... as i worked the family business after attending our 1970 high school prom with keekee my queen, i then went off to college in boston 30 miles north of weymouth before winning the nixon lottery and getting drafted to vietnam, i enlisted in the airforce upon being drafted after finishing my courses in college and working in the quincy shipyard .. i was excepted in great physical health for the air force special force, angels of mercy jolly green giants pararescue squad. as keekee taught me my mission, thou a top sports scholar like a quarterback on a team that needed to win with all my childhood friends ... and her my leading cheerleader .. "our mission was to save lifes and fill this world with peace and love in these troubled times" .. keekee as my father felt very strongly that "only one wins a race as others are not as great and working together we are all winners of great glory and pride that will last forever and ever"....

it was around this time i went to serve our country that keekee began working for my family business as my father worked every day in the quarry the land of my great great grandfather before him as i had done all thru high school and college ... this is where keekee found peace with my mother, and they became the best of friends as my mother, whispered crying in my ears at her memorial that keekee and her had done everything together, to sing and dance to march the freedom song and united the world and free economy in the most troubled times, she was so proud of me bringing keekee into ours lives... together they united every corporation in the world from russia voting for a president to the fall of the berlin wall to the 1st woman on the new york stock exchange .. to email from m.i.t. , now thats a good story as we wrote each other everyday while i was in the service, she could not live without my letters and no postal service on sats and sundays .. so she all upset cuddled all alone in her apartment working the week at the quarry with my mother everyday she wrote me "everyone is high and stoned all the time, worst than high school or college and everywhere she goes they seem to try and make passes at her to pick her up like they don't understand or respect our relationship anymore" .. she felt it was best to just stay home most times and read after one night she went to a club and her girlfriend cindy and her where dancing when some guy and his friend picked up cindy and the other guy went for her and would not stop till she finally kicked him .. she began studying self defense classes again after that ... cindy is still going out with the guy she meet and finally married him with 3 children now.. she said everywhere she went men where asking her out and alls she wanted to do was cuddle next to my letter everyday ... wanted someway to get the mail everyday and talked with my mother about it .. well my mother went to m.i.t. and worked on development of radar during the great war .. at the office they tried to figured differant ways to get the mail using those new computer age stuff as i was well educated in that in college being of the new age.. at first they thought on lines of fax then turned to m.i.t. and my mothers old colleagues, as my mother suffered the same as keekee during world war 11 working in diners and dancing nights, every soldier would whistle everywhere she went as she waited weeks sometimes for a letter from my father, if he was alive of not was her greatest fear ... years latter i asked my mother why did they call it email, and she said personally e stood for ed to others e was everybody and it was the best we could think of at the time ....

i suppose on this topic of keekee and my mother ann or coco as she was called growing up .. coco and keekee where the worst enemies of all times from the moment they meet .. its strange thou too, seems some how in time one's greatest rival wins the respect of true understanding and everlasting friendship someday in negotiation and success of the relationship .. well it all started when my mother saw me with keekee along with all my other friends and in the confusion of my mother having 10 children i was kinda shadow hidden lost in all i did .. my mother very strict roman catholic didn't want me playing around with wild girls as she felt they where a bad influence at my early age .. now rowie and nan kept joking around saying moogie has a girlfriend .. my dad did not care and kinda incouraged it .. well just so has it in reference to the story of keekee's diary ... in true reality besides me only 2 people in history as far as i know have read keekee's diary ... one brisk early spring day in the 11th grade me and keekee took the bus to the south shore plaza to get a spring dress for keekee .... now the night before keekee left her diary on her bureau by mistake and her mother came in the room while she was out at the plaza .. now keekee's early years diary was not in pandora's box and only had a lite lock on it and said on the top private diary .. well keekee's mother found the key and opened it and found out all about me ... you see keekee was the only daughter and her mother had strict plans for her including college as most of keekee's free time growng up was spent educating.. she wanted keekee to be a doctor or something like that .. upon finding out she was in an affair with me, especially a labor class catholic who was known to hang with hordes of friends like some modern street gang in these times of west side story ... she saw no future in her daughter dating, never less dating me ....

well as the story goes we came back from the plaza and when she got home her mother tore her apart .. well keekee finally stood up to her infuriated by her mother violating her sacred boundary by reading her diary ... i have never seen keekee really mad except once in our final hours together .. but the story is she was fighting so much with her mother that her father called the police and her mother locked her in her room .. now keekee would not stand for it and in the dark early morning she went out the window dressed in her new spring dress and a small pack with her diary ... i was suppose to see her after church on sunday in her new spring dress, as i was an alterboy and many times she would sneak in the church service to see me as she was not catholic ... she never showed up that sunday and that was the only time she ever stood me up, as we seemed to have perfect natural timing together ... disponded and sad i went to the barn clubhouse ... in the clubhouse i would work on projects and inventions with mal ... well strange we heard some noise and me feeling lost went to look in the loft ... there was keekee cuddled up shaking and crying, there was a pool of tears on the floor .. i lay down with her as i felt like crying too and i cuddled her warm and cozy .. it took what it seemed hours before we talked all about it and as she gained enough strength ... well as the story has it from mal and murph the whole town was looking for keekee now ... she refused to go home and i felt that they would even come looking for her there at the barn, as her mother now knew about me ....the gang had a secret hideout in the woods from years gone by where the sacred pledge from childhood was no parents would know about it .... as mal, timmy, murph, charlie, ricky tony, barb, debi, sandy, bonnie, mary jane, donna, shirley etc etc diverted the parents we went and hide at the tree house .. this is where keekee's true love of nature living like a squirrel began and started her voyage of becoming a devout vegan herbalist as i, thoreau, longfellow, whitman and many many other great naturalist had done before us .. some believe the stories and poems she wrote there during this time about nature and the animals are the foundation of peta and the green party that has spread thruout europe and the world today ...

in the early autumn of the 12th grade all the student body got involved in hiding her all over town . it seemed as it was the most beautiful times of my life but it only got better as everyday we where together living like some young married couple with nothing but ourselfs in the deep dark forest of our time ... this is the time i felt we truely married like some drunk stone foolish playful well planned out early summertime all weekend party just after 11th grade had ended with keekee living in the forest .. we where married at the sacred fruit bowl party rock in the native forest like animals with all the friends in the forest, floppy the spiritual one married us with nature. floppy went on to become a devout yogi in latter life, it was a beautiful time for everyone as the girls made fancy spring flower and fern ornaments of dress ware like necklaces and crown .. it was a time when the girls would all get together on weekends and make playful gowns with the cloths and patterns from the 5 & 10 in columbian square as keekee made her gown and my attire to match for our woodland wedding as she had also done for our prom like most of our friends in town had done with some going on to fashion fame in new york and paris latter on in their life. maggie became keekee's lady of honor by maggie's surprise that goes back to a story years before of how they where the best of friends from church just before i meet keekee in the first grade walking to nash school. the story of a very popular girl now and a withdrawn reclusive artist in a library and how their friendship had became lost drifting apart with keekee's popularity and maggie's reclusiveness that eventually bonded them together again in devout friendship .. like the birth of a new day after two separate very playful male and female radiant full moon great pond woodland night parties of groom and bride coming together in a morning of the spiritual silence of the birds of the forest singing an early morning sunrise awakening birth song of a new day .. i recall not a word was spoken, only spiritual feelings between parties as the tom tom played bringing the males and female parties together as one at our sacred native tribal rock of ancient days and legends told of by our ancestors... and then a party beyond dreams as all brought their joyful playful brews and homemade country cooking .. the wild forest party went till we heard the church bells ringing echoing us all to the ocean cliffs to gather and baptism cleanse in the emotional purity of enchanting atlantic ocean waves all as one together fiesting on nectar fruits and nut meat loafs baking on cliff rocks .. to then gather again to read our sacred vows on the playground forest hill overlooking the great pond setting sun of our wonderful fairytale dream come true now in darkness .. where we had bathed naked under a haunting star filled cresent moon in our childhood youth discovering the virtues of self and other fondling the sensual sincere sensations of passionate compassion echoing within the now moon lite haunting native forest air filled with enchanting ancient tom tom commune .. as all gathered once again within a colonial tradition to worlds end in now quiet peace and spectacular vision of the 4th of july fireworks of our freedom .. many that where there that day where wed years latter like a sacred bond of  childhood boys and girls living together in peace .. many years later i asked keekee about this as we cuddled in bed and she just said  "we took the vows of nature and nature is forever and ever within spiritual memory" ....

as time went by no one knew anything or where keekee was as we played all around town .. her mother was totally lost in sadness and the police had given up, thou barry a young new police officer who knew us for years said "he would never ever give up" .... i remember it was a misty rainy autumn weds and i was at school .. now keekee not going to school snuck into the barn clubhouse waiting for me to get home from school .... my mother was home alot then as my father worked everyday at the quarry... my mother had heard something and looked out the rear window and saw someone in the barn closing the door .. wondering if it was one of kids as she never would go in the barn she called my father home from work to see what it was ... well keekee was psychic like an animal and felt something was wrong and snuck out the rear window off into the woods again in the pouring rain to the hideaway .... my mother and father went to the barn together to look and my father thought everything was fine, but up in the loft we had made a bed for when the gang of boys would have sleep outs and it looked like someone was sleeping in it. there my mother found one of keekee's undergarments which keekee told me latter on in time she never returned to her like some witch ... when i got home from school i was in real trouble, like my mother thought us guys where having sex with girls in the barn .. i didn't know how to explain neither did tony even rowie tried to cover it up but my mother knew it wasn't her brassiere ... now at this same time i was getting closer and closer to keekee's mother in helping her bring keekee home again and i learned to love her as she showed her powerful love for keekee .. in all this time thruout the town no one broke the sacred vow of where keekee really was ... it did not take long with my mother friends to discover the undergarment was probally keekee i suppose by the bra size that was in the barn that day as keekee was known around town as having beautiful breast for her age ... rumor started speading keekkee was still around and having sex with boys at too young of an age ... fear and trouble was everywhere as my mother seem to hate keekee now as if rumor and gossip was she was some easy girl ... little did i know then that latter on in life i learned, it was actually my mothers hatred of herself during the great war while my father was in the philipines fighting for his life, she would dance as some easy girl for soldiers and anyone else to survive and stay alive in this poor time .. everyone knew coco and she did not want her sons to have anything to do with this coco of her past ...

now out of somewhere in nature a miracle accured keekee's mother was outside of school waiting for me on a friday .. we sat and talked in her car and she was totally broken down to nothing, her life was worthless .. in tears she pleaded with me to help her bring her daughter home, thou she did not know then how deep keekee and my friendship was since the 1st grade when we first had meet ... crying in tears she gave me a sealed letter with keekee's name on it and said "please please .. your'e my last hope" ... well i immediatly delivered the letter to keekee but i never got to read it or did i know what was said in it till the time i found it after keekee's death in her diary on the very page of the day her mother read her sacred diary .... it was the most beautiful letter in the world between a mother and daugher that explained it all to me ....on sunday as the church bells rang from the square steeple .. her mother a devout church goer was praying at the church as keekee walked in the door with the spirit of a miracle ... her mother always seemed to understand us children from that day forward and became part of the gang as we all learned all about life together ... most of the last year of high school where spent with all our friends and parties it seemed every weekend at keekee's house with big mama as the gang called her now .. keekee's mom became the most popular woman in town and even got to go to our prom with us with the love of her life her husband, keekee's father ... we had a ball and what seemed to be all that was wrong in past was better than ever now... still my mom seemed to hate keekee and keekee her as all thruout high school they called my mom the evil witch of the forest for never excepting us as a couple ...

these feelings between keekee and my mom did not break till just before i was shipped off to bootcamp after being drafted in the nixon lottery .. i took keekee to dinner at my parents house for the 1st time after living for about a year in boston with keekee in a commune on beacon hill going to college as keekkee worked local not going to college staying home to help take care of her now ill father .. she was working at a friendly local soda shop all the kids would gather at after school. she was saving up for college taking some night courses ... we had a wonderful time on beacon hill, a party of friends and safe haven of the now national peace movement ... we marched on washington from our headquarters on beacon hill after many vietnam antiwar rallies in boston ... at dinner that sunday my father seemed to fall in love with keekee as her sexual beauty overpowered him ... then my mother asked the question .. she not knowing much of what went on in boston except from my younger brother ed, she said to keekee "i know you from somewhere" ... then she asked her name and then said "your that girl keekee" .. she went crazy and stopped the meal and said "we got to talk girl now" .. keekee like wild fury said "i have been waiting for this for a long time" ... by the spirit in the air i thought they where getting ready to fight to the death .. they both got up and stormed out of the room as my mother said to eveyone in a loud voice "in private" .. my whole high school year my mother was called a witch around town ... well it seemed like 2 or 3 hours later they came back inside laughing and singing like the best of friends and have been best of friends ever sense ... sometimes i felt she was more in love with my mother than me from that time .. anyway years later i found out keekee gave my mom some of her famous mowee wowee magic brownies,  keekee told me my mom being so reclusive hadn't tried one of her home girl mowee wowee brownie's to peaceful paradise and she said my mom was the most beautiful woman she has ever meet, with her perfect figure and long flowing dark azorian hair .. she also told my mother that she was still a virgin, as the 1st time that keekee and i made true intimate sensual love or as to say gone all the way, was the weekend i left for boot camp which is another story that brought forth the beautiful bonding of the generation of our time ...

during junior high school days keekee's girlfriends like mary jane and her figured out a secret recipe with a magic herb of nature that had become very popular at the time around town. they would make these magic brownies, she called the essence of life, all thru out high school and college days.  during this time growing up smoking was very popular with many ads on tv  and also many started smoking these magic herbs of nature that grew wild in the local forest, the magic herbs would make you feel exhilarated, yet very peaceful, happy and full of joy. keekee and mary jane would make these magic brownies for all our friends and older people in town who wanted to stop smoking for better health. i recall in the 10th grade one of the teachers wanted to try the brownies and by our senior year in high school all of the teachers in school would be eating the brownies, along with many of the older generation in town. keekee had a job after school working in a nursing home taking care of the elderly as i worked making pizza's at tony's spa. i remember also in the winter of the 11th grade barry who was now a police officer, came to the back door of tony's spa where i would give him a free pizza for the night police shift and barry asked me if i could get him some of keekee's brownies that his high school sweetheart wife had heard about. i mentioned this to keekee and she introduced barry to one of her girlfriends who gave him some brownies. about a year latter, barry and his wife had a beautiful baby and at the babies christening he mentioned to me that the brownies where a miracle cure, as his wife and him had been trying to have a baby for years and she could not conceive due to a childhood illness. barry had spent all his salary seeing expensive doctors and they where hopeless before eating the brownies. barry had given some of the brownie's to some of his friends in the police dept and by the time we graduated from high school and all during our college playful days it seemed all the police officers in town including chief o'kane and officer riley where eating the magic brownies. 

keekee told me one of the reasons she make the brownies is she would see all these depressed people smoking in town at this time and she felt smoke was for a campfire or fireplace and not something to consume, especially with her love for the water and being a swimming champ.  keekee's uncle was a town fireman and her dad was a part time fireman before getting a job in boston at john hancock insurance company. also a very dear older friend of ours who was very popular in town had pasted away in a house fire in abington, ma. during his college days in the mid 60's and it devastated the entire town into a mood of sadness, like a town spirit he had been a very popular respected role model for all us kids growing up.

 i asked keekee once if I could look at the recipe, as I was feeling better than I have ever felt eating them and most I knew called them a miracle cure all, she said only a few of her girlfriends know the recipe and they had formed a sacred bond between the girls. she said some things about us girls we just keep to our own in private and she hoped I would understand. she told me they where made of all natural organic vegan plants from nature as many healthy herbs and ferns grew in the forest of our home town and at the time the girls made the brownie's most of the people in town where acting dangerous and out of their self control like animals in battle for their body and personality. her girlfriends and her wanted to give people more self control and feelings for other people by filling them full of personal health, peaceful joy and  emotional feelings for others with peaceful plants of nature that made them feel this way. the girls all went to the library on saturday afternoons most times as us boys played sports and the girls got these books that she said looked ancient and never read as the fogg library in columbian square that is considered one of the oldest libraries in the country. the books taught them all about plants and herbs of nature and their healing powers in ancient days. one book they found that
looked hidden somewhat on a top shelf in the rear covered with the dust of many years, the cover felt and looked to be made of some bark of a tree she did not know yet what kind, yet it was like new when dusted off and the pages where all made of some very strong papyrus in perfect condition, when they opened the book it was written by hand with drawing like paintings with the vivid colors of an artist, many of the words they could not understand but there was pages with ancient words and symbols with drawings explaining what the word or symbol was. it was heavy and thick like a very old bible and when the girls all excited to take it out for the weekend where stopped when the new librarian said she felt she had to talk to mrs anderson about it first because it had no library card in it. one of the girls knew the librarians younger sister whose family had moved to weymouth from new york a few years ago. they promised her they would bring the book back on monday evening when ellie or crystal as they called her was on duty. the young librarian agreed after they invited her to the pajama party after she got outa work. she said that weekend they felt all enchanted  by the book but felt they would never see it again as it had no library card in it and they knew not where it came from. therefore they contacted this very reclusive what they call nowadays a nerd girl who was considered the best artist in town winning all sorts of awards, she also reminded them of my mother who was an artist looking like her when she was younger yet more withdraw and reclusive. she came to look at the book after much convincing and all feeling secure about the privacy of the matter. margaret or maggie as they called her copied every page by hand for months and months she said and and maggie became one of keekee's closest friends and how devout she was as they hid the book in the library shelf unnoticed and would go into the private room every chance she got to copy it until one saturday crystal could not work taking an sat exam for college. mrs anderson worked in her place and saw maggie drawing and coping pages asking her what she was doing. she said she was doing a very important project for school and needed privacy, yet the following day when she went to get the book in their secret hideway shelf the book was gone never to be seen again as most of it had been copied. when they finally questioned mrs anderson on the book she said she had no idea what they where talking about and if it had no library card in it, it did not belong in her library.

during one of her weekend girl pajama parties in junior high school days, she and her girlfriends had figured out the recipe and formed a sacred trust between them that was never broken. with my love and memory of keekee and what she told me that day about the recipe as i opened her diary many years after her passing i found a sealed envelope on a page during our days in junior high school. the envelope had written on it 'girls bond and trust' .. therefore i never opened it and it shall lay there forever unopened as the page tells the story of a wonderful foolish childhood playful time of discovery like a fairy tale come true with her girlfriends that weekend pajama party in the late spring of 1967. it does mention on the page how us boys snuck quietly in surprising the girls like prince charming in the early evening and how we nearly spoiled the surprise they where working on to fill us young gentlemen full of joy.

after the family dinner party bonding of my mom and keekee, making all better than a dream come true, my mom offered keekee a job in the office of the family quarry business a few days later. i shipped out to boot camp a few weeks latter and some say they where inseperable since then doing everything from a humble start in poor troubled financial times during the war to international shipment of produce and needs to helping the homeless and ophan children ... it has been said they attended every peace rally in the country during the war as my brothers and all the old gang disappeared from town being off at war in the midst of battle in vietnam ....  as a congressman in washington stated at keekee's memorial "keekee has done more for peace and opportunity in the world than the rothschilds have done for banking .. if we where to value the wealth keekee would be supreme" ......

last time i saw keekee after bootcamp was right before i shipped out .. it had been awhile and i was a new soldier wonder who learned my trade well ... last words of keekee and i where we would end all wars as the 1st of titans troy and we both would do the best we could before our passing ... well she flew for the 1st time to see me all alone for that special weekend .. oh would we make love in those tender times as if every moment was our first of sensual exhilarating gentle discovery and the last time we thought we would be alive together .. i remember the 1st time we made true love ... thou you know of her juicy sensual lips as the lucky golden coin of my grandfather the first time i kissed her on the rock at the quarry .. yet the first time I believe we experienced true intimate sensual love of our embodiment and spiritual nature being as one having no boundaries of the karma sutra we practiced for sensual exhilaration all thru out our childhood days. this very sensual intimate time  was the weekend before leaving for military service as we went to martha's vineyard for the weekend on friday after doing quiet things around town seeing our old friends here and there returning from their world adventures .. well alls i remember is the beautiful playful sunshine, fresh ocean warm air and the enchanting stars at night that talked to us telling us fairytales of the universe. we played everywhere making childish love, as our sensual nature was our true way to discover.  I vividly recall waking on monday morning from a beautiful exhilarating dream with true love warm cozy cuddling together as one under the enchanting stars on the warm white sands below the clay cliffs with the purity of fresh warm ocean waves cleansing  our naked innocent sensual souls of the universe as the warm playful sun arose from the ocean horizon..I recall keekee sensually whispered in my ear playfully making love on that sober yet sincere devout playful sunrise morning and before we left the vineyard she whispered in her sweet sexy quiet tone that we should stay there forever and ever and she needed and wanted nothing else in this world but me to make her life worth living ... with strength we both succeeded in getting me to my flight to san antonio and boot camp after returning from the ferry ride from vineyard haven to woods hole we where feeding seagulls grapes and popcorn and playing all around the ferry like new born children returning to the mainland we visited a few relatives and then I departed to the old military barracks in south boston to be shipped out with some of my old town friends from the fruit bowl party rock that all our friends would gather together at in the woods on weekends to party ... some friends from these fruit bowl days and from boston beacon hill commune days along with friends I worked with in the shipyard with all enlisted into the military together and most of us departed for our boot camps on this same day as this seemed to be the spirit of the time and after many playful parties and picnics we departed for military service duty ..  on a leave from bootcamp months latter keekee seemed to gain some weight as she was alwas fit as a beauty queen being a champion state swimmer .. i mentioned she had gained weight and looked very beautiful to me as we made endless sensual love together .. more beautiful than ever ... she said without me around town exciting her she had been eating more then usual as in some frustration .. little did i know about a year latter on leave from vietnam near the closing of the war and me in need of my service to our country without leave that she was pregnant at that time with our son little moogie and only my mother and her knew about it ... as she worked everyday with my mom and they went to every peace rally they could find to bring all the boys home alive ... our love making only got endlessly better and better as the spiritual embodiment of true nature overpowering us as one ...

everyday i was away at war she wrote me and i wrote her .. in the field the troops would laugh and joke about my letters everyday as she knew everything about us as brothers in arms .. keekee was the spirit and news of home and her letters and packages made everything worth while to us ... i remember old general ross as we called him and playboy perkins from california where lost one day in desperation and i read them one of my private love letters, as keekee said it would be ok, thou i edited out alot of personal details for the war dept back at home .. ross said those are the most beautiful love letters of all time and someday they'll make a movie about them and tell the true story about how we lived and died in our time .. well god blessed our troop and we all got home safe except for chicago willy, a happy go lucky new age very powerful black fella from chicago who grew up with the black panthers and chicago riots turning into a devout shaman peace activist who for example before willy was drafted in the nixon lottery he peace rally marched with the likes of john beluchi who became very famous at this time with the international peace movement, john got shot in the chest with a smoke grenade on the front line of a peace march and john joked about it with everyone so much afterwards it is believed the riot police stopped using smoke grenades and started using pepper spray to make the protesters cry into submission ...

Well as the story goes we where party of a top secret mission far behind enemy lines called 'mission papasan'. The top secret mission was to get our pows home safely and end this misconstrued war of classes as peaceful as possible. Party to our mission was to slow up the advance of the north viet-cong as our main force of civilians and troops evacuated the cities like saigon. our troop became known by the viet cong like the spiritual ace of spades dark shadow of the night darker than light ghosts of the jungle haunting them. Once behind enemy lines and being within the peace accord that was being worked out in washington dc, our special military chosen group well behind enemy lines where without any support and on our own except, for the 'raven' air america a private worldwide peace activist group supported by the likes of jane fonda and other hollywood movie stars for example, years latter when safe at home I found out that keekee , my mom and jane where the best of friends from their peace marching days in washington dc and where using my coded love letters to keekee to figure out what was really going on. i found out many years latter that mission papasan under general dupont was a sealed pentagon file because it basically had violations of the peace treaty accord that was directly being worked out. there is a book written I believe somewhat party to this time about saigon called 'last men out'. as some of these top secret military government files of this time where allowed latter to be released from pentagon.  anyway as the story of chicago willy goes, we where slowing up the viet-cong advance with every street gang dirty trick we knew like for example retrieving their main columns engine starters at night and selling them on the black market to the other viet-cong parties heading the other way back home  like to china or korea, as supplies where thin at the time and a very important factor to their advancing and retreating armies where plunder became their main objective. you see very few where choosen for the mission and one chosen for our scout was hong fron saigon. hong was a farm boy who's family use to grow tomatoes outside of saigon before the war. hong and his childhood buddies growing up built an underground network to protect the children and the innocent of this war which he wanted no part of. now hong became a legend in viet-nam with the north and south in making fair honest deals for supplies and peace ...

 I suppose I can't get into all the details of our behind enemy lines business dealings, but as far as I recall in vivid detail our troop was on a jungle hilltop watching a massive armed column moving quickly heading to one of the last remaining bridges into saigon. we didn't talk much as we all seemed by our playful highly trained experienced spiritual nature to know already exactly what to do. the massive column looked to be about 2 miles from the bridge and we about a mile on the hilltop overlooking, the main outfit had to leave under strict orders not to be caught or captured as we would be on our own. hong led the main jungle gang out to the next very important target zone and to get viet-nam underworld support and warn saigon and the villages of the on coming aggressive current massive invasion. I grapped the special c-69 pack and just started racing down the hill as my buddies spirits began betting with quiet peaceful spiritual humor whisper that I could never make it alive unless I was faster than jim ryan. sniper took off to set up with silencer to back me up if needed. chicago willy ran off the opposite way to infiltrate there rear flanks of attention drawing their support from the bridge attention therefore I would have enough time to blow the bridge and slow their advance, as it would be weeks for them to be able to move their column to the only other bridge crossing many miles north thru the jungle. alls I recall as in some deep dark nyx trance I heard the musical echo of the wind singing this beautiful song as I thundered down the hill like I was floating and the closer I got to the bridge I heard  deep chinese and korean sounding viet-cong voices chatter screaming in panic confusion and ping after ping after ping like a bahama vacation puerto rican metal drum playing a song knowing my devout vegan buddy jose' was on the hill watching over me... from the look out point they told me the viet cong had moved an advanced group of machine gun jeeps and snipers up quick to stop me onced they figured it out, but I was now to close to the bridge and their military leader must have seen the explosive back pack. I hit the bridge like zen thunder and lightening setting the charges quicker than my spirit or thoughts as no thought was good thought reaching the main center point of the bridge out of time to make the other side before impact explosion I set the last charge with sniper bullets now ricocheting all around me I dove from the bridge which seemed much much higher than any dive I had ever done from my days of diving at the quarries playing with keekee growing up. it seems at the same time I dove the bridge exploded in furious power and I had a deep vivid vision of keekee and heard her clearly telling me some humorous old native indian fairytale about pow wow the indian boy, as I full of joy floating in paradise
on the wings of a love dove...

what I found out a few months latter that from the look out post the gang said as they began heading to their next mission was 'if the dive didn't get him the explosion did' as my mission was complete and the bridge was blown to smithereens. little did they know then, as my buddies found me weeks latter living like a king of the jungle papasans in a remote village outside of saigon being tended to by the most beautiful sexy sensual native girls and woman of which one I discovered from wagner who was a military intelligence specialist discovering radio equipment and a woman of what he knew of the beauty of the blue rose. the world famed blue rose of the jungle who during the entire war like the ace of spades would enchant the enemy soldiers spirit to a peaceful solution of the war, she was the most hunted woman in the world at the time by both sides of the war with her sensual enchanted voice and what was known of her radiant beauty who I discovered she was a devout vegan shamanist naturopathic herbalist doctor, she at the time in history like a miracle was able to get on any broadcast from any jungle location protecting all the children of the jungle and was known as the deep dark goddess nyx of the underworld guiding and protecting all from the deceptions of war to tribal peace once again...

I remember the 1st thing wagner, wheeler, bergen, yosin, smitty, scotty, jeff, pj, jose' and hawkens where talking about when they found me after hearing rumor that the ghost of the jungle was in a village outside of saigon. the 1st thing wagner said was 'what is this the playboy club, we got to get outa here and get back home before I go totally nuts and the last pickup is in 6 hours therefore pack up and move out'. you see the doctors and generals studying the incident while I was in the hospital briefing at davis monthan in arizona, believe the only way i survived with all the wreckage, height of the dive and what I told them of my foggy memory, was the explosion impact air had somehow like a miracle formed a cushion of powerful air around me to protect me and float cushion the dive to the rapid water below as I was found by a very very beautiful native girl many many miles upriver along the muddy banks the following morning and she told me latter in the cozy native hut that I had a beautiful smile on my face and just kept laughing in a quiet joyful dream like tone as she nursed me back to sanity. now chicago willy was a whole other story that I suppose only hong of the saigon underworld can tell the true detailed story of the most ferocious black jaguar ever known in the history of earth who lunged and attacked their entire massive army single handedly devouring them and therefore all attention being drawn away from me and our main mission to blow the bridge.  The legend of the viet-nam jungle is he is still alive living amongst them all as their devout loving shaman shadow of the night darker than light, looking over all the tribal peace of the jungle with his loving joyful powerful peaceful spiritual ways. you see without what willy did in those final moments in the impact zone of the main columns advancement the bridge would have never been blown or the troop would have never got to their next mission and saigon would have been invaded by a massive massive army with many many lives lost within the power and revenge retaliations of war. alls I should say for now is chicago willy risked his beautiful joyful powerful life's embodiment for everyone that day at high noon and was awarded in the top secret files of the pentagon the medal of top honor and the endless tears of his childhood sweetheart ....

i suppose i can't tell you all and question maybe i never should for many of us may never understand in the privacy of our own life being born here to die. i wander many times in thought as we as human mortal beings, "made of two one again, are we dieing to be born here from a greater world". for me of devout spiritualism and faithful belief shall be honest in telling you, chicago willy still visits me many times from a greater world and tells me ancient tales of this one spiritually guiding in the darkest, a mission of this world he inspires me in belief of this sacred mission of earths destiny within the universal divine plan. for all we know of this world our senses tell us and as the echo of a shaman he taught me, reigning highest in my mind of the days we struggled for our lives to survive to see love ones again in the jungle war of our time. you see chicago willy being a gambling man of spiritual belief took the gamble of his life that day and came up a winner as he guided us with spiritual love to complete our mission of ending this misconstued war between classes of mortal and immortal life.

keekee is with me forever now and i just heard her smile and laugh with tears as she kissed me. and then chicago willy inspired me "there is a song of life that whispers thru the forest and country roadways, looking over us all and guiding us to heaven on earth ... the song of keekee, the woman everyone in the world loved yet only one man truely knew that  :
"love is only a word of how i feel about you"


The Father of Hollywood

The name Hollywood was coined by Hobart J. Whitley, the 'Father of Hollywood'. The first film by a Hollywood Studio, Nestor Motion Picture Company, was shot on October 26, 1911. The Whitley home was used as its set, and the unnamed movie was filmed in the middle of their groves on the corner of Whitley Avenue and Hollywood Boulevard. In early 1910, director D. W. Griffith was sent by the Biograph Company to the west coast with his acting troupe, consisting of actors Blanche Sweet, .. Lillian Gish, .. Mary Pickford, .. Lionel Barrymore, and others. They started filming on a vacant lot near Georgia Street in downtown Los Angeles. While there, the company decided to explore new territories, traveling several miles north to Hollywood, a little village that was friendly and enjoyed the movie company filming there. Griffith then filmed the first movie ever shot in Hollywood, In Old California, a Biograph melodrama about California in the 19th century, when it belonged to Mexico. Biograph stayed there for months and made several films before returning to New York. After hearing about Biograph's success in Hollywood, in 1913 many movie-makers headed west to avoid the fees imposed by Thomas Edison, who owned patents on the movie-making process.
By 1912, major motion-picture companies had set up production near or in Los Angeles because of the location's proximity to Mexico, as well as the region's favorable year-round weather. Director D. W. Griffith was the first to make a motion picture in Hollywood. His 17-minute short film In Old California, was filmed for the Biograph Company. Although Hollywood banned movie theaters—of which it had none—before annexation that year, Los Angeles had no such restriction. The first film by a Hollywood Studio, Nestor Motion Picture Company, was shot on October 26, 1911. The Whitley home was used as its set, and the unnamed movie was filmed in the middle of their groves on the corner of Whitley Avenue and Hollywood Boulevard. The first studio in Hollywood, the Nestor Company, was established by the New Jersey–based Centaur Company in a roadhouse at 6121 Sunset Boulevard at the corner of Gower, in October 1911 ..Hollywood movie studios, 1922. Four major film companies – Paramount, Warner Bros., RKO and Columbia – had studios in Hollywood, as did several minor companies and rental studios. A new commercial and retail sector opened up in Hollywood, Ca.
Douglas Fairbanks, the 'King of Hollywood' (May 23, 1883 – December 12, 1939)  was an American actor, screenwriter, director and producer.He was best known for his swashbuckling roles in silent films such as The Thief of Bagdad, Robin Hood, and The Mark of Zorro but spent the early part of his career making comedies.
Lillian Diana Gish,  'The First Lady'of American Cinema (October 14, 1893 – February 27, 1993) was an American stage, screen and television actress, director and writer whose film acting career spanned 75 years, from 1912 to 1987.


John Lawrence Sullivan  (October 15, 1858 – February 2, 1918), also known as the Boston Strong Boy, was recognized as the first Heavyweight Champion of gloved boxing from February 7, 1882, to 1892, and is generally recognized as the last heavyweight champion of bare-knuckle boxing under the London Prize Ring Rules. John L Sullivan, a firm believer in fair honest play once stated "Men should put down their guns of war and pick up their fists for work". He was the first American athlete to earn over one million dollars. An actor as well as a boxer, Sullivan depended on his standing as reining heavyweight champion of the world to draw crowds to the plays he appeared in. Sullivan retired to Abington, Massachusetts but appeared in several exhibitions over the next 12 years, including a three-rounder against Tom Sharkey and a final two-rounder against Jim McCormick in 1905 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He continued his various careers outside boxing such as stage actor, speaker, celebrity baseball umpire, sports reporter, and bar owner.

Shadow of night darker than light a beautiful sensual fairytale : "If any lost lonely soul in their deepest darkest moments of trauma wander to find the Father of Hollywood's grave in Hollywood Forever Cemetery and bow down as a humble devout loving servitude soul praying to the Hobart with the sacred key of 'gigi gigi goo goo gaa gaa', then all your Hollywood dreams come true,
for as long as

you are safe and peaceful to play with".

Angel Hill Farm  2019